miércoles, 17 de julio de 2024

Formal, semiformal and informal writing



Apreciado estudiante, como parte de este proceso de selección laboral donde deberás mostrar tus niveles de competencia en inglés, el entrevistador te platea el caso 2:


Caso 2: Writing E-mails.


El entrevistador le informa que en el cargo para el cual aspira deberá comunicarse con usuarios del inglés, leer y responder correos en inglés. Por el cual le plantea una prueba donde deberá escribir 2 textos donde use escritura formal, informal y semiformal.



A formal email: 20%


A travel blog: 15%


Para ayudarte con esta tarea se proponen las siguientes lecturas y actividades:


       Formal Writing

       Semiformal writing

       Informal writing


Habilidades del lenguaje:


Como es de su saber las habilidades del lenguaje son cuatro, escucha, habla, lectura y escritura, siendo el acto de escuchar y leer actividades receptivas, mientras el habla y la escritura son habilidades de producción. En esta oportunidad nos enfocaremos nos enfocaremos en (writing). Le invito a leer detenidamente, las siguientes definiciones tratando de entender sin ayuda de traductores en primer lugar, de ser necesario, deduciendo significados de vocabulario específico por el contexto. No use ninguna app, ni en esta ni en ninguna actividad del curso para traducir todo a la vez. Cuando sea estrictamente necesario le invito a usar wordreference.com (https://www.wordreference.com/)  que es un diccionario digital que permite acceder a significados, dando diferentes contextos en el cual la nueva palabra puede ser usada.




According to Mary Spratt, Alan Pulverness, and Melanie Williams, (2012). Writing is one of the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Writing and speaking are productive skills. That means they involve producing language rather than receiving it, as in listening and reading. Very simply, we can say that writing consists of communicating a message by making signs on a page.


In this sense, there are 3 forms of writing, formal, informal and semiformal writing, but when each one can be used? Let’s see.


Formal Writing


When do we use it?


Formal writing is used for professional and academic purposes, to communicate with people with a higher position in our field of work, when there is not a personal relationship. It could be also used to show respect to someone, such as our boss or an older person. It avoids long sentences and paragraphs, (no more than 7 lines).


At the time to write an academic text or any other document you must present as a professional you need to be conscious of:


·         Do not include emotions and emotive punctuation.

·         Do not use contractions

·         Write in the third person singular.

·         Introduce the topic, be sure to state your ideas clearly, write good body paragraphs, and write a conclusion. (Formal writing is clearer than informal one).

·         To introduce an abbreviation, the full name should be spelled out first, Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.  (UNICEF). 

·         When you have doubts about the types of writing you should use, it is better to use formal writing.

·         There is no better type of writing, each style is used for specific purposes.


An example of formal Letter:



Mr. Sebatian Gabriel Villamil

Calle 32 N° 3-07,

Edificio Juan Manuel Villamil, 

Montería - Córdoba


June 17, 2011


Mrs. Charlotte Alberonis

31-34 Palmerston Road Southampton. 

SO15 2LL, UK. 


Dear Mrs. Alberonis

I am a student of the post-degree in State Contracting at the University of Sinú and one of the program courses we must take is commercial English, in it we were talked about Charlotte School of English in the United Kingdom, and we were motivated to continue improving our English. I would like to know more about the course you are offering. Could you please tell me about the cost of the courses?  Everything should be included.

I need to have a proposed program, in it I would like to know about the cost of tuition, half-board accommodation and social activities such as visits to famous places, museums, tours, some scholarly activities, and having access to cultural centers around the United Kingdom to be familiar with the culture. 

Finally, it is relevant to highlight that I have two possible dates for this trip, one is during my June vacation between June 26th to July 13th,2024 and the other one is from December 6th to December 23rd,2024. I am expected to be offered, two courses, one in general English and the other related to English for business. 

Kind regards,

Mr. Sebatian Gabriel Villamil



Informal writing


Informal writing is like the way we speak, it is the most common way to communicate every day of life in our family and circle of friends. We use informal writing when we are familiar with the person we are writing to; so, it is acceptable to use slang, figures of speech, short sentences, constrictions and abbreviations.  Most of the time emotions are spread spread naturally.


An example of an informal Letter:

June 8, 2011


Dear Grandpa,


Hi, I’m glad to know you’re going to visit us soon.  We’re organizing some activities to do, I want to take you to the most beautiful places in the city, such as Ronda del Sinú Park, I know you will enjoy seeing animals along the park. There are a lot of iguanas, squirrels, sloth bears and monkeys. You will enjoy feeding them.   


I also want to tell you about our last trip to Cocora Valley in the region of café. We had an excellent time. I hope to travel around Colombia with you one day. Do you think it would be okay if I organized a schedule for every day during your visit? Let me know what you want to do?


I send you a picture of Cocora Valley and I’m excited to see you soon.


Hugs and kisses,







Semiformal writing


Semi-formal writing is a text between formal and informal text in terms of style. It is the writing style to be used when we don't want to be so cold but also not to appear to dare.


We can use these styles with people with whom we have a professional relationship such as co-workers and managers. This style is also used to write in blogs, magazines, or any text when our intention is not to appear too distant. 


An example of semiformal writing:


A travel blog: Southampton, a nice place in The United Kingdom.

In 2014, I traveled to the United Kingdom to improve my English.  I took three courses at Lewis School of English in the city of Southampton. “General English, Reflective Teacher and The student-centered approaches to teaching English. I used to receive from 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., in The City of Southampton.

As soon as I finished classes every day, I used to go out and see Southampton streets, which rarely were full of people, but the ones I could see there walked fast, their steps were quick, and they always looked to the horizon: "They walked as if they were over the moon… but if I asked them something they answered friendly.

I spent 30 days in Southampton, a city in the south of England, which hosts the country’s most important shopping ports.

After spending three weeks I started to adapt to the cold winter in this quiet town. What more can I say of Southampton. It is a city bathed by the Itchen River; it still retains some of its walls.

As a tourist it is interesting to know that on the Itchen River Water, waters sailed the Mayflower, carrying those Pilgrims who arrived in America looking for Freedom, looking for a better place to praise God according to their religious beliefs, contributing to the creation of the Grand Nation of United States of America. Equally important is to say that from Southampton’s port, the famous Titanic Ship started two of its three trips, including the one that triggered the tragic outcome. I could say that the City of Southampton has been an important strategic point in English history and world history.

I visited and learned a lot in the Sea City Museum, in which people can learn in a didactic way about the naval history of the city, as well as the history of the Titanic, its crew, passengers, how the facts happened, and the trial of people who had responsibility in this event that shocked the humanity and have inspired films and literary texts. Similarly, with information I had from the Tudor House, which is another major museum of the town.

Many times I got up early and felt the cold morning, but I was always comforted by God’s warmth of light: I saw in the landscape how a tree naked its body in winter to receive the water that will reactivate it in the beautiful spring, spring in which they flourish… its flowers will bring sweet fruits, acid fruits, fruit of all flavors which the palate of man can enjoy…




Estimado estudiante:


Después de realizar el estudio de los recursos bibliográficos asignados para el núcleo 2, proceda a desarrollar las actividades de aprendizaje, denominadas A formal email, la cual tiene un valor del 20% y A travel blog con un valor del 15%.


A formal email, 20%


Para la primera actividad, usted deberá leer detenidamente la información anteriormente suministrada en los recursos de aprendizaje. Su email deberá tener al menos 5 párrafos no menores a 7 líneas. El asunto deberá relacionarse con su contexto laboral, solicitando la organización de algún evento, o dando instrucciones respecto a cómo dar solución a un problema de trabajo. Revise el ejemplo dado arriba (An example of formal Letter). Igualmente, en el siguiente enlace encontrará más actividades útiles para redactar un email utilizando lenguaje formal.


British Council: English for emails: https://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/business-english/english-emails


A travel blog, 15%.


Para la segunda actividad, usted deberá leer detenidamente la información anteriormente suministrada en los recursos de aprendizaje. Específicamente el ejemplo dado para semiformal writing A travel blog: Southampton, a nice place in The United Kingdom. Luego redactar un texto, sobre un viaje reciente. Este deberá tener al menos 5 párrafos no menores a 7 líneas. (Ver: https://levistrip.blogspot.com/).


ü  Recuerde que su escrito, debe tener un título, no necesariamente el dado en el ejemplo.

ü  Tenga presente que el formato donde presenta su tarea debe ser creativo, innovador y original, tener una organización que facilite la lectura de la información que presenta. Puede ayudarse con plataformas digitales que permiten organizar información como https://www.canva.com/.

ü  Utilizar imágenes o gráficos que permitan complementar la información presentada y faciliten su comprensión, teniendo en cuenta el color y la tipografía.

ü  De ser necesario realice la citación correspondiente en normas APA.


Finalmente, una vez cuente con las actividades desarrolladas en su totalidad, envíelas al docente a través del espacio virtual asignado. Igualmente, prepárese para responder preguntas en las clases sincrónicas respecto a las tareas que envía: